Monday 19 July 2021

Diving in the Deep End


Summer has well and truly arrived and this month is a hot one. Now this is nothing new but somehow as I sense into the extremes that Mother Nature is throwing at us I recognise the extremes we are throwing back at her. 

After the busyness of last month’s activity and energy, once again we feel the contrast as we slip into what the astrologers call, the sweet spot, when we can see, taste and smell the nectar all around us. This is an invitation to slow into this feeling state, after the heady, thinking activities of Gemini.

This month is ruled by the moon, our mother, the deep feminine wisdom that we all have access to if we filter out the noise from the brain and drop into our emotions, our feelings. Here we feel ourselves expand, tingle and who knows what can arise. We can begin to feel vulnerable here, and unaccustomed to these feelings, we generally run away and head back up to the rational processes of the brain. This is the world we inhabit as a culture and this is what has caused the crisis we are now facing on an increasing scale. 

This month is symbolised by the crab, with its hard outer shell and soft inner belly. For millennia, we have developed the former but forgotten the latter. Now we are experiencing younger generations who, although many are repeating the parents way, some are beginning to open up to this vulnerability and are feeling everything. This, with what is being handed down to them, is mostly very painful. Generations of numbing ourselves from feeling has placed our children in an unprotected place. There is little handed down wisdom how to find resilience to this wide open way of being. It is something we have generally neglected to have in our tool kit; it wasn’t taught so it wasn’t passed down.

However, I am not placing blame here, I am just trying to make sense of what is happening and how to move forward with the awareness.

I believe, the wisdom is there; the healing, the resilience, the ability to remember how to negotiate these times is innate in us all. Those that wish to participate emotionally in these changing times just have to slow, breathe and feel in, everything we need is there.

We also have the support of the mother energy. When we tap in she is holding, guiding us and connecting us so we don’t have to feel we are doing this alone. It’s not only that we can’t do this alone but the answer is in knowing that doing it together is the only way we can succeed. We are being asked to drop out of our ego mind mentality and dive into our feeling familial senses. 

This month’s archetypal energy is all about family, tapping into our roots our ancestry. When we bring all past and present kin and kindness together we can move forward with our community engaging as a caring, cohesive and  sustainable body.

When I saw an article in the Guardian that announced that the Amazon rainforest is now emitting more carbon than it is absorbing, my heart sank. We speak of tipping points and targets but this is a moment, I feel, this requires some time for reflection. A time to consider with our heads and sense with our hearts, what comes up for me? 

After a lifetime of suppressing emotions, a way of being, handed down by my family’s need to protect itself again religious and racial persecution, I have chosen - as this persecution isn’t something I experience, just a collective trauma embedded in my body - to attempt to break the ingrained patterning and learn to feel again.

Knowing I am one of many, a whole community of people treading this path, makes it easier. However, the emotions that are released, even though they are highly controlled, as is my way, feel like a volcano on a ticking bomb, beautifully in sync with the timing our environment is currently working on.

Listening to Greta’s clear and beautiful statement at the Austrian World Summit, spoke to so many as she told the politicians what they are too scared to face; the fact that all these summits are just a smoke screen for appearing to do everything while actually doing nothing, putting our Mercurial jester in the headlines once more.

The changes will never happen if we expect our leaders to do it for us. This was never going to be easy, it will be painful, scary and messy but it is for us to wake up to and lead them, show them how to come back to their hearts as we come back to ours.      

I hope you feel this too and are willing to dive in.

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