Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Preparing for Graduation

This month we are looking at our potential, personally and as a community. Our new scientific understanding informs us that these two states are inseparable, as indeed nothing is. So, when we observe something in our world that we feel is not working then we must remember to look within ourselves too, at what is lurking there unresolved. 
When I look at the state of our political parliamentary system I am caught between two emotions. First I feel shame. I feel like our country has become a laughing stock, a shining example of how not to hang your dirty washing out in public. Not that I’ve ever worried what others think but it’s just I feel we deserve so much better as a community, and we are so much better.
Second, I feel it gives me hope - two polarised emotions, mirroring what’s going on in our world perfectly. It is showing me what I have always believed, that our political system is not fit for practice. I have always believed it which is why I always kept it at arm’s length. For generations we have silently acquiesced, and so been complicit in letting it continue without question. Now as the cracks become ever more evident, the chance for something new to grow up through the old paradigm and blossom is ripe.
This is the terrain we find ourselves in, and I am constantly asking myself where can I be of best use. The answer is, I don’t know, but that doesn’t stop me from keeping on and pointing my compass in the direction I believe I am meant to be headed. My life is quite unique as I don’t have to keep my head down in a career,  but I also know there are many others like me, willing to turn their energies and engage in a new way. 
Knowing I am not alone in my endeavours gives me comfort, but knowing this can only be done as community is vital. 
I feel it is very important, at this stage, to make it clear that it is my intention not to pass any judgement, good or bad, on those who are or who are not appearing to prepare for change. It is important to remember that we are a collective, moving towards this new world as one and everyone is playing their part, seen or unseen.  In every walk of life there are people who may seem to be working towards a better world and those who don’t, but I believe its important not to look at everything at face value.
I am just doing what I am doing because I understand I have been brought to this point. I feel in a place of great privilege and so it makes perfect sense for me to put my energy here. My life has been a blessed one and I feel very lucky to be able start my new journey into a world of activism and politics. 
This, however, doesn’t mean any of it may have any value or any level of success but i am going to attempt it anyway. It certainly holds no more value than those who are working hard and maybe bringing up a family and grounding our much needed heart energy and love into the next stage of our development.
What I’m trying to say is, it is my continued intention to attempt to view the world with a different perspective; to remove judgement, see the potential in everything and stop myself from thinking anyone is better than anyone else.
Last month I attended a wonderful Campfire Convention weekend (a wonderful gathering of a couple fo hundred people, with speakers, music and lots of sharing) and heard some very interesting stories. They taught me how there as many people in corporations trying to respond positively to the crises we are facing in our world as there are people bringing about our demise. I also realised there are as many trying to make changes from the grass roots level with hate and judgement in their hearts as there are those choosing love as a way forward.
Once we truly understand that everyone is doing the very best they can with the tools they have, then we can learn to love and respect each other without condition and begin the process of graduation, which is what we have all come here to do.  
Our potential is huge, let’s celebrate that and nurture it.

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