Saturday, 19 October 2019

Becoming Our Own Generals

I am constantly amazed at how the model I have been using for life over the last ten years continues to serve me so beautifully. It is based on an image of the universe as a set of Russian dolls; worlds within worlds; cycles within cycles, all mirroring each other. I have been working with the journey of the seasonal year mirroring our lifetime journey and then adding any others that come along the way. So the lunar cycle fits beautifully as does the journey through the chakras. 
I know many people struggle with astrology but I feel it is the best tool, the best paradigm, through which to view the universe. The holographic view of our world, of every part containing the whole, means we can use anything as a mirror to reflect on ourselves and the millennia of archetypal study that has been woven into this field offers such a rich tapestry to work with, it never seems to fail. 
As I have just returned from London, being a part of the Extinction Rebellion and experiencing its wonderful gathering energy I can’t help but be excited by it. 
In my previous blog I talked of the Virgo archetype being the preparation for adulthood, the end of childhood and the potential we have built up through the summer months. Mother Nature has completed her outward physical journey as we have experienced growth and our understanding of the physical world. 
Now as the leaves are turning, showing us this beautiful colourful display, we are ready to step into adulthood not just learning to live but learning to die; but it is beautiful. As we develop the understanding of growing up emotionally, in our hearts, this means we have to face our mortality and come to terms with building a life that is not just about ourselves but about our community and how it will continue when we are no longer here.
On our long cultural journey away from our spiritual awareness and towards a solely physical interaction with life, we have lost all this wisdom. Mother Nature offers us this visual and emotional reflection of ourselves, all the metaphors built into our exquisite environment, in the hope that we will see and absorb it into our way of being. I feel we have, as a society, come so far from this truth we are at last crying out for a return. Now I finally believe change is on its way and the peaceful rebellion rapidly growing throughout the world comes at the end of a long line of practice runs of former failed rebellions.
The Libra archetype teaches us that when we step into our hearts and open them completely, miracles are truly possible. We can build a beautiful world that is just and fair. 
If, however, we try to step into our hearts but our hearts are closed then the leadership is taken over by our heads. We become cruel to ourselves with internal battles and play that out on our world around us. We build societies that are unjust with hierarchies which make us all poor. The Libran playing out its shadow side becomes the general that sends its foot soldiers - the Aries warrior, its opposite sign - into battle for them. This is exactly what we have now, leaders that are willing to send their people to their deaths for their treasures of war. 
I was amazed when I heard the Veterans for Peace speak. It occurred to me that our soldiers are trained to suffer the very extreme of our cultural mindset. They are taught that everyone else is worthless, even the next battalion, that they are the best, the top dog. However, to keep them in control, to shut them off from any feelings of empathy towards others, they have to be stopped from thinking, like factory workers, they are given only their slice of the story. This piece work mentality has shown us how we are suppressed in life in so many areas. This blinkered view is so important to the generals that want to keep us in line, but is detrimental to our mental wellbeing. Eventually any person with any heart will rebel and these veterans who have dared to stand up and question their world are the real heroes, I believe. 
Before we step into our hearts, the chakra journey takes us through the Solar Plexus, our energy centre where our personal power can be found. This mirrors our adolescence on our lifetime journey, where we have grown physically but not yet emotionally developed. It is the teenage years and the astrological Leo when in its power is shining. However, in its shadow it is self-obsessed and self-centred. It is a time of great conflict on our journey through life, trying on our personal power in the world but not having the emotional awareness to put it into play with a true understanding of ourselves or the world.
I believe this is where we, as a society, have become stuck. I believe our culture upholds the shadow side of the teenage mindset; a complete loss of humour, black and white thinking, extreme anxiety, and self obsession to name a few. 
The spiritual wisdom, from which we have become disconnected, is still available to all, should we put down our phones long enough to tune in. But while we remain lost and cast adrift form Mother Mature’s guiding hand, we have become spiritual children. 
However, if we choose to listen to the movement that is growing faster than I could have imagined in the last year, then we can step up and become generals ourselves, leaders in a peace movement like never before, where we all walk together, no one in front or behind. 
The purpose of the astrological wheel is to find balance and bring all the archetypes into play. We tend, in our ego centric lives, to just concentrate on our sun sign and maybe one or two others. The real purpose is to engage with all twelve of our personality types and balance all the archetypes, especially the oppositions. So here we learn to become the generals and the foot soldiers walking together towards love. To me, this is the true meaning of anarchy; (see note) people taking full responsibility for their lives in a community that reflects this back, a community based on love and not fear. This is the Leo archetype shining, all of us together, in balance within its opposition Aquarius (the age we are moving into) the sign that deals with the community.
For five-hundred years we have been in an age led by science and this has brought us many gifts. However, a hundred years ago and amazing scientists opened the door onto the next age, the quantum age. To move into this new world we have to engage with information which is so mind-blowing a hundred years later we are still terrified of stepping through. The issue is that we can only step through if we open our hearts, our heads can never lead the way. The past hundred years has been a gathering of pace and learning for this moment, are we now ready to engage with a new paradigm that can, if we choose, blast our old world apart? I can’t wait…..

Note. Original definition: without a ruler.  But as we have lost sight of how to to be self-governing, it has come to mean: lawless, confusion and disorder.

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