Monday, 18 May 2020

Feeling our True Potential

Two months into this most unusual time and where are we now? As with all experiences, they are different for everyone, nearly eight billion different versions of the same story, eight billion views from this beautiful world we are living on.
When something all consuming like this takes over our lives we can think of little else, but it is important to remember that how ever awful it is for many people, for far more, life is ok and for many others again, life is wonderful. None of these feelings should be taken away from those who are experiencing them.
Although we can do our best to prevent bad things happening to people, and I am overjoyed to see how so many people are coming together to help others, we cannot save everyone. This is true every day of every year whether we are in lockdown or not.
I know I am very blessed and I wake each morning offering a heartfelt thank you to this beautiful world we live in. I know there is so much wrong with it and many changes I would make in an instant but until then, I understand that finding the positive is key to bringing the positive things we so desire in our world.
This is what this month’s archetypal energy is asking of us. As Mother Nature is breathing out all her beauty and abundance into the stunning display she puts on for us we are invited to bathe in it and respond with all our gratitude and love. 
Taurus is ruled by the Earth (in modern astrology), it is our home and we can receive everything we need, nature’s glorious banquet completely for free. Mirroring this in our journey through the lifetime journey we are the babe in arms, completely immersed in our relationship with our mother having, hopefully, all our needs met. This beautifully simple time of life is just about reciprocity; something we often, sadly, lose as we continue through our lives.
How can we make the most of these times we are living in? How we can move forward in a way that honours those that are suffering and makes the best use of those that are doing well? I believe that this model of letting those that can help those that can’t has to be allowed to come the fore now so that we can create a community that works wholly based on reciprocity. Those that give will naturally receive in this way.
Feeling that communities have already started coming together in ways never imagined before this time, due to this enforced time of isolation, I hope we can grow this so it can continue when the world returns to a healthy way of being together again. 
Last year I started creating my Magic Money Tree music video in the hope that we would recognise our communal wealth, wealth that appears in all walks of life not just the financial. It has been wonderful to see our government shake it a little more than it would do in normal circumstances. An imperative in these times and one it can, of course, afford however much it makes us believe we will all have to pay for it later. Statistics show that the money it is paying out will probably cost less than HS2 and hugely less than the bank bail outs a decade ago. I believe we need to find another story, a new relationship with money.
The other day, I was very happy to participate in a 700 strong zoom meeting about positive money and reimagining GDP and what it could really consist of, not just what the money people think is important. The best idea was to lose the idea of it completely, of at least the addiction to basing all our financial decisions on it. Our worth is not something we need to quantify in money terms. Our qualities are priceless. Here is our opportunity once again to re-invent the wheel, discover and value our true worth.
This is a huge subject and something to really delve into. But for now just owning the idea that we can make big changes for the better to improve our value system is exciting enough for me to start with.
For those struggling to see anything positive in this time, I believe staying grounded is crucial when we are feeling worried and fearful of the unknown future, working through it as a community is the only way to ensure we all come through this better than when we arrived here
For now, I feel we would do well to begin to choose the best we have to offer ourselves and each other. Seeing the best in each situation as it arises and being grateful for all the small things will together create great ones too. From here we can expand and grow into our true sense of self and community worth.

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