Friday, 20 March 2020

Navigating Deep Waters


How to navigate these deep waters we suddenly find ourselves in? The extreme changes that have come to pass over the last week or so has sent most of us reeling. Personally, keeping a steady course is vital for moving forward through life in a positive way, so making sure we’re not feeling like a ship without a rudder becomes ever more important.
For all those who are struggling with overwhelm at the moment I urge you to reach out into your community, hoping that you have one, for support. If that’s by phone or online or from a reasonable distance that’s for you to decide.
This time of year, seasonally and astrologically, is all about the big story and immersing ourselves in its fluid nature. As we’re preparing for spring we are in a space of inaction, the calm before the storm. In this way it is best to just be and find some inner stillness. I am suddenly remembering the story of Beckham as he prepares for a goal, visualising and preparing in his quiet mind first. How we prepare and the energy we put into this is key if we are to start the next stage with positivity, strength and a clear sense of purpose. We have to feel into the best and most unified version of ourselves, 
Seeing the world in its multi-dimensional form, I view it as a set of Russian Dolls. This works on all levels, the physical, energetic and even time. So, this part of the year is the metaphor for last stage on the twelve step monthly journey. We can also connect to the Crown Chakra, the last of the chakras, which, like the biggest Russian Doll, contains all the others within it, like layers of an onion around our body. Being, astrologically, a water sign this month becomes like an ocean we can immerse ourselves in, or the baby in the womb preparing for birth. We are here, metaphorically, both the baby and the mother, the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega where one naturally turns into the other as winter turns into spring. 
Birth is never an easy experience. Each year we turn this point at the Equinox, but never before has this weekend felt such an important transition. Surrendering into the vastness of this energy as we step into this unknown can bring up feelings of fear and sacrifice but also great feelings of service and working with our highest sense of self.
This energy is the energy of love, the highest form of existence which contains all the other emotions within it including its opposite, which is, of course, fear and hate. Love is a paradoxical state as it holds the completeness of universal energy within it, without exception, in the same way that death is a part of life.
I will be talking much more about this in my new talk, from Paradise to Paradox: A Journey into the Labyrinth but for now I want to simply offer the possibility of looking at life for all that it holds, however harsh that reality seems.
We are moving into unprecedented times now and into the future. We are not used to or prepared for what might lie ahead. We are taught stories from our past of war and great social struggles and some might remember or have parents who lived through such times, but they are becoming increasingly few. The majority of us have, in this country and in the West generally, lived relatively blessed lives. We have not known the fear of bombs dropping on our cities or rationing or an absence of any kind of welfare.
Now as the cracks are starting to appear, poverty is on the increase and this new state of emergency which could wreck lives for many, we need to prepare ourselves. We may not receive the protection we have always depended on from the state. We may now have to turn to ourselves for resilience, our neighbours for trust and look deep within for a faith, in whatever that looks like for you, that we can come through this. And I truly believe we can if we stop trying answer all the questions now, leaping into action before we’ve completely explored the options and find some stillness first. 
This shutdown might just give us the chance we need to slow to a stop and review. Then we can move forward wisely. Isolation, for humans, is never usually a good thing, but for those who are well placed for this, we would do well to look within for extraordinary answers for extraordinary times. For those who are not being cared for through these times we need reach out and offer help where it is possible and be ready to receive help where we are in need. 
We are all connected at a very deep level. When we take time to explore this we will remember this fully.

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