As the year draws to an end I sense we are all reeling with the speed that brought us here, and what a year. For me it was a year filled with hope, the feeling of a real sea change with XR coming from nowhere and becoming such a huge voice in the world.
I have been overwhelmed by the feeling of positivity and change that has been sweeping throughout communities everywhere. The cry to stop destroying our planet and ourselves is beginning to be heard and although it’s just the beginning, I am optimistic.
However, this voice has been temporarily lost here in the UK, stifled by an unfavourable election result, and what the aftermath will mean to so many. It’s time to regroup and make plans that can enable us to move forward positively.
I would like to think that this is where my PIPPA project comes into its own. With the sense that our parliamentary system is so broken and dysfunctional, I feel this is an open invitation for all those with the will and the capacity to step up and take responsibility for our future, to do so now.
This can only be done if we choose to work together, question and change aspects of the status quo that no longer serve us, starting with corruption and the manipulation of power and the Media.
So, how to begin again with this huge setback; the reinstatement of a government even more entrenched in wanting to uphold these untenable values.
Where can we start? I always look to what Mother Nature is showing us for answers. When I look out my window I see that everything has gone still on the surface. I know that as she steps into winter and begins drawing the curtain across these ever shortening days, she is starting her journey of breathing in after months of breathing out. Now we are seeing everything dying back and going into hibernation, as prepares and nurtures her energy for spring.
Never before has this seemed so important as we are experiencing this crushing defeat of hope, with the growing wave of politics that has become even more inward looking, manipulated by the shadow side of the Internet. This amazing connecting web we have at our finger tips, has the capacity to bind us together with love or fear; the choice is ours.
So, it is my belief that rather than lashing out in anger in response to our fears of what lies in the future of our country, it is vital that we use this time well. Sagittarius, the archer who sends a fiery bow into the stratosphere in search of the truth, is also the wounded healer, reminding us to be aware of our mortality. It is a significant time, as we journey on our quest to find new answers and also our voice, if we wish to speak of our findings.
First we must remember that this is possibly the most important time in human history, that we are all just tiny cogs in a huge wheel and that maybe the part we play might not be felt in our lifetimes. Knowing that we are sowing an important seed is like the people who plant trees that won’t bear fruit until their grandchildren are grown. We have to be in this for the long game; the spring we are hoping for maybe many years away, but that doesn’t mean we must give up hope.
On the other hand I am a total optimist and I’m sure we are all aware how quickly time is speeding up for us and who knows what can happen in ten short years.
As the wounded healer, we are being asked to find our truth. This can be done on an outward, physical journey, a personal pilgrimage, or an inward journey. They are actually the same, one mirroring the other, as we go in, the micro shows us the whole world as it opens up again into the quantum realm. Here we find the whole truth. A door that was opened by Einstein a hundred years ago, but one that we still fear to step through as a culture. This realm informs us that we are all connected and that everything we do has an effect on everything else and is felt by all simultaneously.
Let’s find our voice, speak out against the limitations of fear and hatred, and show love in every communication we encounter. If we meet negative views with negative reactions we just strengthen that emotion and that energy continues to hold power. If we meet the negative energy with compassion the anger dissipates and we can resolve differences and make huge changes.
I believe we need to come away from technology and meet face to face, where no algorithms can influence us or corrupt our thoughts.
The inner voice is the only voice that stays true, the one connected directly to the heart. It takes dedication to be able to hear it, especially in this noisy world we have created, but it is worth putting in the hours. Finding stillness and listening to Mother Nature is still our best hope.
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