Sunday, 7 April 2013

Peace or Conflict

Peace or Conflict

I have always been in conflict about war. Since the tender age of 14 when the Falklands War began I felt alone in the horror that we could be going to war. I have always felt that there must be another, better way. But no, in the so called Modern age of 2013, we still resort to fighting over who has the biggest toys. I say ‘we’ as I am talking about both men and women here as we all carry the energy of the masculine and feminine within us and there lies the conflict. Until we can resolve our conflict within then we will never resolve it without. 
About 10 years ago I read a book called “Emissary of Light” by James Twyman. In it he discovers a group of beings watching over a war zone and holding the space for peace. He is drawn in and shown how he can spread this news. It has been his mission ever since to bring peace to the world. This stirred something huge in me and my work ever since has revolved around this idea that we have the power and the ability within to choose peace over conflict.
As I sought out wisdoms and ancient teachings, knowledge of the chakras that we hold in our aura helped me to understand how we, in our Western culture, have shut down our desire to understand anything beyond the physical body and so shut down our chakras. With this loss of connection to higher energies comes great fear, which we hold when our root chakra is closed, and it has affected every corner of our lives beginning with fear of death, to fear of old age until it has seeped down to how we bring up our children and our ridiculous ‘health and safety’ laws. Basically we have become fearful of life itself.
Fear often keeps us in a place of non action saying ‘there’s nothing that can be done, it’s always been like this’. But life is a cycle. We rose out of the feudal system, but it took the plague and great devastation to force us to revolt. Keeping us happy, en masse, so that we will not choose to revolt again is a complex affair and war is very much a part of that recipe. I will not attempt to go into the intricacies of economics or the psychology of hate, the idea of divide and separate that allows us to even contemplate killing our fellow human beings, but it’s all there. For me, the sooner we wake up to fact that we don’t have to partake in this crazy story the better.
Edward De Bono has spent his life dedicating himself to teaching people to find an alternative way of thinking and if there was ever a need for a body of people, a council for peace, we would certainly benefit from his presence on it. The same would apply for James Twyman, the Dalai Lama, Jimmy Carter and so on. We have so many good people and that’s just the men. The women who can help tend not to be our leaders for they have often given up much of their femininity to jostle their way to the top. Looking back on the time when Thatcher took us to war confirms my feelings of distress for what we have lost. I truly feel we now need strong women not women trying to be strong men.
With the possibility of war that is rearing its ugly head over North Korea I am writing this in April and astrologically we have entered Aries: the great god of war. As, I understand, we have all come from the first spark of life, which is the nature of Aries, every atom in the universe is derived from that original singularity and so is a reflection of it. I have, with the help of the work of A. T. Mann built this idea into my work that a mirror can be found in all things and all journeys through life. In this way Aries, as the sign of Spring, is the birth of the seasonal year, and this also reflects the beginning of our life and the first chakra, the root chakra. This means that the energy of war is also deeply connected to the energy of fear.
We have been kept in fear over the threat of nuclear war for too long now. Even though we all know that no one believes that a country will start a war like that, if that is the case then why are we even playing with fire like this. It is monster we have created that is really beyond our control. We cannot keep these weapons telling others who and who may not have them. It is a dangerous game and the only way to stop it is to begin a gradual disarming programme and offer real peace to this world. Great Britain is in a prime position to start the ball rolling but that’s another story. 
If we must fight I would like the populace to stand up and fight for peace, equality and enough food and warmth for all. We could take to the streets but I don’t believe enough people are aware of the unfair deal that has been dealt to them or else they are so caught up in their own pain they do not have the energy to stand up and fight.
Personally I believe, it is up to the individual who has the desire for change to begin doing the work within. 
It is my desire that we join together as a body of powerful positive energies to bring a new presence onto this Earth; to ‘be the change’. This is not a new idea I know but one that keeps needing to be stated.
A few years ago I became aware of the fact that meditation can bring great changes to our environment. I learnt how meditation can affect the state of water and how molecules that were polluted had been transformed to being clear and crystal-like in appearance. We are 70% water and meditation can make the same transformation in all of us. 
I am inviting everyone who believes there is even a hint of a possibility in this to take a moment each day to send love and healing thoughts to North Korea. Even if you have never tried to meditate before just to spend a few moments each day with this intention is enough. To simply imagine your purest idea of love, to imagine sending it without any hint of anger, hate, fear or blame to all the people in North Korea that positive intention will make a difference. If enough people can activate this energy we can make a change on a huge scale. I know this this is not the first time something like this has been tried, however, this could really work if it is spread far and wide with positive intent. 
The invitation is to be a part of a grand movement for change, to choose love and peace over death and war. First we have to choose it for ourselves, choose to love ourselves and find inner peace. If you can truly do that then there is no room for hate for anyone else in the world. Once you know that the whole universe is one, that everything is connected like a golden web of threads linking every atom, every person and so on, then someone on the other side of the world is as much a part of who you are as the person you have chosen to live your life with. The human race is like one body and every atom in that body needs to be loved as a whole. I would love people to see that a life is never saved by the death of another. Let’s not cut the people of North Korea, or any other country for that matter, out of our ability to love. We need to rediscover this pure energy that lies deep within us, knowing that it contains no anger, blame or distrust and send it primarily to North Korea but there need be no limits. With the two amazing truths, the effect of meditation on our beings and the connecting power of the Internet that uses this understanding that the universe is a huge golden interconnecting web, we can choose to make huge changes if we bring them together.
Please join me with love and share this to all your contacts. Let’s see how wide we can get this message across the air waves.

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