Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Welcome 2013!

Welcome 2013!

So here we are in 2013 and happy New Year to you. I hope you've had a good festive season, whatever you do at the this time of year, and are ready to start 2013 with a cheerful heart and renewed enthusiasm. Easy to say, not so easy to do when Spring seems so far away and the nights still draw in so early. In just a few weeks time we have Imbolc, a much forgotten festival, there to reignite our flame and celebrate the first signs of Spring. I will certainly be lighting a candle to begin bringing these ancient gifts back into our lives.
So what is this year all about? When I first heard all about Solstice 2012 about twelve years ago, I  believed there was going to be huge shifts and changes on a massive scale. As time progressed I began to see that this is just part of the human psyche and our desire for the dramatic. However, I do believe these shifts are happening although they are on a more subtle level and what we think of as over night transitions, or changes in a blink of an eye, is possibly more like 300 years in the bigger picture. This length of transition is what the astrologers and the I Ching foresee.
For me this year is all about choice. With my interest in the world of science, the quantum field and the Schroedinger's Cat theory has taught me that anything is possible. In fact, everything is not only possible, but actually happening all at once. It's up to us which road we choose. Happiness is a choice and soon as we decide to step through that gateway we can choose the positive road at every cross road, it all depends on how we choose to view it. 
When I was offered a healing which removed my creative block, in 2001, the first song I wrote, or rather received, in the form of a dream, was called 'Living the Days of Love'. Immediately I understood that is what we are doing now, it's not about the future. Now I believe the gateway is fully open and I intend to make this year a year of love.
To learn to totally love, forgive and thank yourself for your journey so far is not always so easy, but is totally necessary to move forward into a place of harmony with everything in your world around you.
I chose this journey 12 years ago and I am finding the process is constantly intensifying. What we view as 'bad' or 'negative' is totally a view we hold, not a truth. Understanding and letting go of the judgement we hold about deeds acted out from a state of pain is the only way we move forward. The more we can forgive ourselves, the more we can forgive others. The more we can love ourselves, the more we can love others. What might seem like a quantum leap only needs to start with a step and the first step is about believing that it's possible.
That is my mantra for this year: that the gateway be opened to begin this quantum leap to make 2013 the beginning of a whole new way of being.

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