Thursday, 5 July 2012

The God Particle

The God Particle

For so many years now I've been following the journey that the world of science has been taking. The ups and downs, the truths and untruths, it's been a bumpy ride but one that has led it down a fascinating path. I, for the last thirteen years, have held strong in my belief that science and spirituality are hunting for the same answers and are saying the same truths but just using a different language and working in a different time frame.
With the entrance of quantum mechanics into our general sphere of understanding and the impossible realities that it holds, the idea that the answers could have anything to do with what the ancients have been teaching for so long has seemed out of the question. Slowly, slowly however, many scientists have been able to bridge the seemingly huge divide and bring God into their understanding of science at the risk of great ridicule from fellow colleagues.
My journey has led me to understand that science, however, amazing has removed the 'story' from our lives, reduced our world to a set of facts of figures and stripped us of meaning, of making sense of who we are and our place here. Now with the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle also known as the God Particle (I love that!) I am reading headlines such as 'Higgs Boson binds the universe, but humans give it meaning'. Hooray, I say! 
It is certainly up to us to retrieve what we have lost, help us, as a society, to rediscover the meaning in our lives and remember what we're all about. The Ancients have always understood this but in our journey to try and fathom how it works in our new speak, the language of mathematics and physics we have, like teenagers, forgotten, in our excitement of discovering a new way to look at the same story, to listen to our elders. As our new wisdom grows, scientists are at last able to look at the bigger picture, see beyond their formulaes and bring that sense of oneness to all things.   
This is a very exciting time !

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