Wednesday, 5 April 2023

The Sole Traveller


Once again, we find ourselves at the place of new beginnings. As Mother Earth reaches the Spring Equinox, with equal days and equal nights, we are invited to come back into balance, to reinvent ourselves and start afresh.

During these days, the sun appears to be at its fastest and it is easy to feel like the days are rushing ahead and everything is piling up on us with big to do lists.

As I said before, if we have ignored the wisdom she continues to offer, then we might already be feeling overwhelmed and worn out.

However, if we have listened, been still during the winter months and recuperated and rejuvenated our energy reserves, then we can step into this new year with a positive mindset and lots of energy.
Like Mother Earth, we can mirror her wonderful creative energy and be inspired to jump into life, just as the buds on the trees. There is no time for judgement or even time to think about what we are doing. We are just doing, creating, bursting into life again, on our personal journey.

This reflects our lifetime journey and we are the baby bursting from our mother’s womb. This month reflects only the birth itself and so only represents the first 3 months on our lifetime journey. It is a journey we make alone and reminds us however relational we are in this life process, we have to hold our personal integrity. Aries is the archetype that continually brings us back to self.

Personally, I like to see this as a wonderful opportunity, and chance to wipe the slate clean and make positive choices going forward. When I had my awakening, nearly 25 years ago, I was told we were going to be asked to choose between the shadow and the light. I soon learned that this wasn’t about an endgame, a single important choice, I began to see that this is all about the choices we make in our daily lives, the small but actually fairly significant choices. This keeps coming back to me.

As I look around and see the ever faster changes that appear in our society, I have to remind myself to look in every direction as it is easy to get caught up in the negative roads we take as a race. I know that in equal amounts we are making positive choices, but that these are easily dismissed and over looked.

While I don’t believe we can stop the vehicle that is taking humanity into an extremely dangerous place, I feel we can, as individuals, make individual choices that offer a parallel road, a road with different values and simpler ways of living on this earth. 

Watching Mother Earth display her simple vitality, her non-judgemental and free-spirited life force, inspires me to stop over complicating and remember what life is essentially for and I would invite you to do the same. Keeping our sanity in these challenging, hedonistic times calls for us to stay grounded, feet rooted firmly in the ground with our eyes, ears and hearts wide open. 

Let’s make this year a fully awake journey around the year. The more of us who make this choice, the more chance we have of hearing Mother Earth’s guidance through these tough, yet momentous times.