Tuesday, 14 March 2023

The Big Surrender

And as the year draws to a close, once more, we breathe out one more time before we prepare for Mother Earth to turn again and bring in the new seasonal year.

This is my time, I have five planets in Pisces and obviously I feel very comfortable here. It is a time of letting go, when we are being asked to shed the skin of the old year and surrender ourselves into the great oceanic waters of all that is. Here we recognise that all is one and we are the drop in the ocean, apart and yet a part of it all. We can immerse ourselves in the watery womb that is our aura as we complete the journey of the 12 months of the year and the journey through our chakras. This is where our ego is invited to see its limitations and open up to greater sense of who we are. As we expand our sense of self beyond the limits of our physical body, the soul becomes the mother to our childlike state of being human. There is no judgement here, no idea of one being better or lesser, it is just the journey we have chosen to come into this human body and forget how we got here. The invitation is to arrive at this point, expand our awareness and bring in the greater story, the truth, to surrender ourselves to it and remember. Just as the mother surrenders everything for the baby, we are given this opportunity once more as we prepare to step into the birth of  the new year, and the birth of the baby on the lifetime journey.

In this way, as I look around at what is happening the world I sense this idea of rebirth all around. As the old ways are being shown up to be the out of date mode of living on this earth, the new energy is beginning to emerge. These green shoots are small and certainly not revolutionary, but personally, I believe that is a far better way to bring about change. Evolution has always been my preferred route as revolution is too aggressive and usually ends up with the same issues that it has replaced. Evolution however, takes time and offers a chance to allow the new ways to find their way without collapsing the old. There is a natural flow which enables people to grow into the ideas by choosing them rather than being forced or simply remaining resistant for fear of change.

This is the way Mother Earth brings us in. Each year she turns, each year she offers the same lesson, like a wise teacher that knows the student will find their way when they are ready. Each year, although the lessons are the same we can find new depths in the teaching if we follow her lead, for though they are the same in principle, with each year we spiral further out each time, raising our vibration with every turn, giving us the opportunity to raise our understanding and ability to sense in to what is truly happening around us and within us.

I have been intrigued by the news recently. Whether we find solace in the knowledge that the BBC has been prepared to recognise its bias and change its stance on suspending sports presenter Gary Lineker, the solidarity that grew out of this question of freedom of expression is, I believe, more important than we can imagine. The fact that this had become so one-sided is something that has needed addressing and I feel that finally, this has begun.

In same way, another story near to my heart, the protests in Israel at the moment, are shining a light on this. The move against the far right political stance taking hold is really important to me and I see the pull in each direction necessary as the shift in polarities are being shaken up. We need to find a state of balance before we can choose a better way.

We have been out of kilter for so long, for millennia, and this is our opportunity to step into a higher vantage point and rise out of the smallness, the lower perspective we find ourselves in. 

Listening to what Mother Earth has to offer this month has been a blessing for me and a way to find  how to navigate these increasingly choppy waters. I ask, what can we do to lift ourselves above the fear and resistance to change, that keeps us from moving forward. 

Change is a natural state of being and we are shown this by the I Ching (translates as the book of Changes) and Mother Earth’s journey around the year as being in a constant state of change. When we find ourselves stagnating in an inability to change we need to look around for inspiration. Nature is an obvious teacher and she offers all the love and nurturing qualities we could possibly need.

If we can embrace her wisdom and love ,whole-heartedly, and prepare ourselves for and surrender to the new year in this way, who knows what changes we might bring into our lives and the lives of those around us.