Every step we take, takes us a little closer. Whether we know our destination or not it is important to find joy and acceptance in knowing that the journey is preparing us for something. This month is all about the harvest, inviting us to collect the fruits of our labour. Having spent the summer in my new garden I can completely relate to the importance of honouring the gifts that pour from Mother Earth, all for free. We are also being called to work hard, get our hands dirty and make sure we are set for the winter ahead.
As the supermarket shelves are so much emptier and a general murmur of worry can be felt as to how this is going to pan out, I was very grateful for our town council bringing together many of our local food suppliers and those interested in how food comes from the field to the fork, so that we can begin to look at these issues earnestly. We are being called to look ahead, prepare for the changes that are already here.
Virgo, is that potential, the apprentice who is learning and discovering their role, what cog in the big wheel of life they are about to become. We are being asked to reinvent ourselves, look to where we have gone off course and how we can make the necessary changes which will allow us to live more sustainably on the earth. How can we create a food chain that is local and in line with Mother Nature’s ways and wisdom? It is time and the quicker we relearn ways of living and get to the very heart, the detail of what is needed, the less we need to fear and more we can work together and learn to trust ourselves, each other and our community as a whole.
I feel it is really important to start using our imagination to create solutions to the problems we are facing. We are having to deal with many changes at the moment and it is up to all of us to look at ways of reaping some benefits from some of the decisions we have made. This is important so that we don’t get caught up in anxiety or blame,
Virgo is all about healing and what can be gained from being in touch with our body. I believe, that just to start with, changing the way we source our food and the way we eat, would be a huge benefit to our community and whoever wants to investigate these ideas; we may soon discover it will be a necessity.
When we are open to the power of imagination and what our bodies can teach us, when we listen and honour them, when we bring all this together, surely we will be able to work through any difficult times ahead with purpose, strength and confidence.