This month I am looking at balance and what that means for us as a community. Arriving in autumn we have the Autumn Equinox which offers us a chance to embody this beautifully. A time when the days and nights are of equal length and we have the Spring Equinox, the moment where we started our journey, coming into view as a reflection of where we are so far. This is the first month where this mirror is available to us.
This year has been such a rollercoaster and feels like it’s hurtling towards its close at a ridiculous rate. Yet we are being asked, more than ever, to step up, in whatever way we can, to shift the problems in our society we have been ignoring for so long.
This month, the astrological month of Libra, is represented by the scales of justice. It is demonstrating fairness and judgement in the best sense of the word, where we can weigh up our situation and make the best choices. This is an air sign and we are very much in our heads being asked to create the best and most beautiful idea of the world we wish to inhabit.
It is at this time that the leaves are turning and for some this is the most beautiful time of the year. The colours are going back through the chakras from green to red, back to source as we are shown that, as this month corresponds with having reached adulthood on our lifetime journey, while we are now learning to live we are also learning to die, but that this is beautiful.
Understanding what it means to be adult, to step into our heart chakra and use the metaphor of the mirror to feel the ‘others’ in our life with empathy and love, enables us to start waking up to the beautiful world we can create.
The last six months were all about childhood where life is very self-orientated. We, culturally, have built our modern world around this mindset so we have lost the initiations and mechanisms to ‘grow up’ and feel what true balance means. In this way our lives are out of kilter and we are left feeling isolated, fearful and helpless to make changes.
Unfortunately there is no one out there who is going to do this for us, it is only something we can choose to explore ourselves. However, as the desire for change is growing, there are plenty of groups emerging who are offering online workshops and discussions, XR’s Trust the People Project, Conflict Transformation and Collective Trauma and Food Revolution workshops to name just a few that I have got involved with.
Of course none of these are of any use unless we bring the skills we have learned there and become engaged in our community, find a positive attitude that encourages us to be responsible, active and creative citizens. This doesn’t have to be a chore, when we get involved we start to feel like we belong and that we can, together make a difference. Our neighbours become friends and we can choose what kind of community we live in by being an integral part of it.
If you are frustrated with what you see in the world but feel you have no voice, this is the time to get inspired by the work thousands of people are doing and start balancing those scales. It’s one thing to want a better world, have the ideas and beautiful dreams, but there’s nothing like putting those desires into action., However small your part feels, with the actions of everyone else playing their small part, together it creates a field of energy that is vastly greater than the sum of its parts.
This is much more than a few words printed on a page, this is what our hearts are yearning to feel. Let’s be the change and create a balanced and beautiful, fair world. I know it’s possible and it’s exactly what we are being asked to do.
photo Mark Brookes