And so it comes to us all, the time when we are required to grow up and look to the future. It can happen at any stage in life, but this year in particular the need is truly upon us. Whether we are in our teens or nearing the of life we all have something to offer and it as now that we are being asked to step up.
The summer is coming to the end and although it is unseasonably hot for the time of year, it is time for us to get in the fields and bring in the harvest; reap the rewards of the summer’s fruits. We are being asked to get back in touch with Mother Earth and get our hands dirty. Our sickle and scythe should feel comfortable in our grip while we can discern the wheat from the chaff, what is good to keep and what to throw out.
We have the long winter ahead and we need to prepare well. For many people in this country, this might well be the most challenging winter we will have experienced to date.
On our lifetime journey this archetype represents the apprentice, the university student, preparing for adulthood. We will be honing down our skills and learning what our particular gifts are; what we have to offer the world. As individuals living in our community we can begin to see how these two states of being are inseparable and the skills we attain help to shape and heal our own lives, just as they heal our world around us.
This year is our chance to work some magic, as it becomes imperative to bring our skills together and make sure everyone in our community is looked after, and not left out in the cold.
After holding the energy of the Leo lion, where we are king of our domain, now we are the peasant, or the secretary to the Managing Director, here we can ensure all the details are dealt with and the minutiae well organised. When we can learn to balance both states within us then we can begin to shine as individuals and as a community.
This is my dream, that we understand that we have to become responsible adults, responsible for ourselves and those around us. That way we all are looked after by those who know and care about us, rather than some distant overseer who has no clue about are needs or the way we work. When we continue to expect everything to be done for us and take no part in the running of our lives we will continue travelling away from each other rather than choosing to come together, discovering the unified field we are all a part of.
I am an optimist, I believe we are capable as a species of amazing things and I believe we can turn this pending disaster around but only if we step up, plug in and takes the reins of our lives once more. This means we have to start breathing and feeling into our bodies, being honest with ourselves and start talking to people in a caring and compassionate way. The body is a great healer and it holds all the memory of our pain and joy, our grief and love.
Virgo holds the energy of the healer, this is the most amazing potential that we carry in our body. The sexual and loving healing that can bring life back to parts of ourselves that have been cut off and frozen in trauma is one step away from being transformed. That first step is simply choosing to rediscover the power latent in us all. I am choosing to heal, choosing life. Once that door is opened we can just walk the path and the more of us that make that choice the easier it is to walk together.