Thank goodness its summer, now we can all bask in the long summer days and enjoy the fruits of nature’s banquet. I am not usually one for sarcasm but what has happened to our weather?
Luckily for us, we are have been very slow to feel the effects of any issues in our weather system or even any effects of our lifestyle. I am certainly not complaining. We are not feeling the waters rising over our land, violent tsunamis wreck our homes, or the catastrophic effects of nuclear disasters, as so many have already endured. So any subtle changes in our lives are not as yet calling us to action. What will it take to choose change?
The archetype that we can choose to connect with at this time of year is Mercury, the winged messenger. He is also the trickster. The archetype is alive and kicking in many older traditions, particularly the first nation peoples of America. However, sadly he has been lost in our culture today.
To immediately contradict myself, I can also see that he is emerging in unusual ways. When we had our general elections in 2010 and Cameron and Clegg created their coalition, I almost did a double-take as the Gemini twins appeared on the TV screen. It did not escape me that these two were also born in the same Chinese calendar year, twins indeed. It reminded me of how our political system is riddled with liars and tricksters.
It didn’t take long for America to find the jester in their culture to find his way to the top. This new president is a shining example of what happens when we install in our youth, the rhetoric that you can achieve anything you want. When we disregard the consequences, and put personal desires over the good of the country we find we have placed a Homer Simpson style mindset in the driving seat.
Now in our constant desire to follow America, like an anxious puppy, we too are putting a jester in the leading role. Here again we have the twins, I can’t believe they look alike as well, just like Cameron and Clegg, waving at each other across the pond. Of course many of us saw this coming but to see it actually playing out for real has to be the biggest joke we can play on ourselves.
I always like to see the opportunity in every situation. I have also felt that when we stop taking ourselves too seriously, stop thinking we’re the best and most important in the world, then we will start to grow up as a nation. Maybe this is our chance. Like the bully who thinks everyone likes them, we may have to sink to the lowest point, go through our own dark night of the soul to come through this smiling.
I have spoken before about being open to change, as change is the only thing that can be relied on. We would do well to first make an internal shift. If enough people can do this, and often the shift can be very subtle, the external changes can be much easier and so far more dynamic.
I heard two stories recently. The first story, which I first heard in my junior school assembly, was about the difference between heaven and hell and how they initially appear the same. We are given a vision of a great banquet with spoons that are far too long to manoeuvre and eat with. In hell everyone is starving but in heaven everyone is helping each other by feeding each other and so well fed and content.
In the second story it was revealed to me how people are feeling that they are being controlled and enslaved in poverty by the principles of globalisation, free trade and open borders which they are told will prevent us from keeping our sovereignty and sense of national identity. This, naturally, frightens people into losing their usual generosity of spirit and creates a narrowing of the mind.
However, it is only a story. For me, the notion of globalisation and open borders tells a tale that frees ourselves from limitations, enriching our society and strengthening our sense of self and individuality.
I find it fascinating how one story, or image, can open up completely opposing emotions depending on your standpoint. The difference of a fear based view point rather than an open-hearted can turn a vision of heaven into a hell. At the moment we live in a world where both perspectives exist and also the effects of both. How should we mind the gap, walk from a state where fear seems to carry more energy than love and turn it on its head? That is for us to explore. It is an unknown but I don’t believe it is unknowable.
What is needed here is a revisioning of our future by re-examining our history. If we want to make positive changes it is important to understand and recognise our wealth and strengths rather than seeing only our weakness and lack. We might do well to listen to the ones who are playing the role of the trickster for us so we can choose to see through the fake news and find our own truth. That’s what this archetype is really trying to show us. When we listen to the still voice within and stop listening those who are trying to keep us undermined and living in the small version of our potential, then we can start choosing positive change.