Sunday, 6 January 2019

A New Year - A Gateway to our Future

Happy New Year! Hard to believe it’s 2019 but here we are and I’ve never felt so positive and excited about the prospects of the year to come, whilst feeling at the same time pretty anxious. The world is changing quicker than I could have imagined, but I am also feeling that now we can really start to make some important changes while keeping our heads and hearts open and centred. These changes might take many years to bring into place but as everything is moving so fast, and we have so few years left before a serious shift will occur, all we can to do is put as much as we can in place for the times ahead.
Every time I wake up to an idea for a way forward I am excited to realise that so many people are way ahead of me and that it’s already happening. This doesn’t mean I can just sit back and let others get on with it. These ideas are happening at the grass roots, on a local level and it up to all who feel moved to participate and get involved.
Last year brought a wonderful sequence of wake up calls for me from courses I took part in to   just simply opening my computer and seeing what it threw at me. As the year rolled on I was systematically carried on a path encouraging me to grow up and take responsibility for my own life and what I could be doing with it within the community. 
What was most exciting was realising that as I said, ’yes’ to each step I knew I was opening doors to completely unchartered territories and walking into an unknown. After years of being a musician I realised I had never taken on any more responsibility other than for my own life. Now, moment by moment I was being asked to broaden my horizons. 
5 years ago, I mentioned in a previous blog that I had envisioned a project that would bring together all those who wanted to bring into this world a new energy of positivity and love; lives based on cooperation, self-responsibility and community, in a restorative and harmonious relationship with the land. It was too big, too soon and I put it on hold so that I could get to know my new community - as I had just arrived in Frome - to learn about what was going on here and more about myself. 
What a gift, only looking back am I able to see how much I have benefitted from this. 
Last year it was a made clear to me that I had reached a place where I had experienced enough to start putting this project together. However, I was aware I still knew nothing about how to go about it other than to start talking to people and gather them in. This is what I have been doing and although I feel i am no clearer about how to take this project forward I have taken a few steps forward in engaging with my community. What I have particularly learned is that it is ok not to know. It is in this place of not needing to know that new ideas can come in, otherwise we restrict ourselves to the limiting answers that got us in this state in the first place. It was Einstein that said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results”. If you want to create something new you have to be completely open to letting go of being in control, and be open to the unknown path that can lead to a desired outcome.
This prospect truly excites me. It takes great faith and this is what I believe will get us through.
We humans have so much creative spirit, so much wisdom, new and old. If we can put our hearts together and look at the roads that brought us here and really understand what mistakes we have made then there is great hope.
We have created a world based on fear and separation, whilst still knowing what a world based on love and trust would look like. Yet we are too scared, en masse, to take that step. Our world as we know it is dying. However, it is my belief that enough people can be brave enough to step into that vulnerable state of complete open heartedness and imagine a new way of living. If we can believe and dream a big enough dream then we can break away from stories that no longer serve us and begin to shed our old skin and grow, creating the world we have always longed for, like the phoenix form the ashes. It is time to believe, for believing makes it so.