Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Alchemy Of Spring

  Alchemy Of Spring

It’s Spring, so the calendar informs us, but I’d never have guessed it. With the threat of snow for the weekend ahead one might have easily mistaken this for January. Any other year and we’d probably be quite excited about the prospect but this year has been a tough one for many already. My last blog was so upbeat, as I cast my mind back, I’m wondering where I got all my energy from.
However, if my body is tired of trying to keep warm and my mind is busy and feeling exhausted as it tries to keep those upbeat ideas from vacating my thoughts, my heart is still strong and beating as solidly as ever. Thank goodness for that! I just received an image by email showing how the heart is 100,000 times stronger electrically and 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain. So by choosing to live our lives heart first we stand a much better chance of getting through the tough times and enjoying the good. It’s an all round good life choice.
I’ve just finished reading Natalie Fee’s ‘The Everyday Alchemist’s Happiness Handbook’. It’s such a joy to read. You know that she lives by her words as her happiness radiates out from every page and I’m not talking about a superficial sense of ‘everything’s fine’ but a deep inner knowing and contented feeling of connection and joy. Although when I read the book I knew there was nothing I didn’t already know, it was just wonderful hearing it again through Natalie’s individual filter.     
This helped me no end as I travelled to Brighton for the weekend to embark on a new venture. The venture was a collaboration with the wonderful work of Caroline Carey and her Alchemy in Movement, yes more alchemy. This seems to be the theme for the year and as we have entered the year of the snake Caroline showed me her pet snake and taught me how it goes into a trance like state just before it sheds its skin. You can recognize this by its blue eyes. At this point the snake goes through a process of transmutation, not transformation as I ignorantly suggested. This is exactly what we are being invited to do, we are not going to transform as the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, we are simply going to shed our skin and step into a new and higher vibration of ourselves, retaining our existing form. How beautiful it was to be offered that visual metaphor.
I have been offering my sound and chakra meditation workshop for a year or two now and to join forces with Caroline and add the magic ingredient of movement, I knew this could only be a positive step forward. 
When, many years ago, I conceded how slow I was being in getting into yoga, something I most certainly needed, a friend reassured me by explaining that the meditation I was doing was as good as the physical work. In a way I totally agree and the years I spent just applying myself to meditation I did free up a good deal of physical tension and clear many blocks I was holding onto. 
However, there is nothing like getting off one’s arse and unlocking the energy that we hold so tightly in our bodies. Allowing the body to express itself is probably more important than giving the mind a voice, something we hold so dear in our society without truly understanding what we really need.
As we worked our alchemy inviting our guests to clear, express and sound our emotions to the accompaniment of harp, drum and flute I felt we were sowing a seed I have long been needing to sow.
Thank you to Caroline and all those who have helped me reach this moment in my alchemical development. 