Wednesday 5 April 2023

The Sole Traveller


Once again, we find ourselves at the place of new beginnings. As Mother Earth reaches the Spring Equinox, with equal days and equal nights, we are invited to come back into balance, to reinvent ourselves and start afresh.

During these days, the sun appears to be at its fastest and it is easy to feel like the days are rushing ahead and everything is piling up on us with big to do lists.

As I said before, if we have ignored the wisdom she continues to offer, then we might already be feeling overwhelmed and worn out.

However, if we have listened, been still during the winter months and recuperated and rejuvenated our energy reserves, then we can step into this new year with a positive mindset and lots of energy.
Like Mother Earth, we can mirror her wonderful creative energy and be inspired to jump into life, just as the buds on the trees. There is no time for judgement or even time to think about what we are doing. We are just doing, creating, bursting into life again, on our personal journey.

This reflects our lifetime journey and we are the baby bursting from our mother’s womb. This month reflects only the birth itself and so only represents the first 3 months on our lifetime journey. It is a journey we make alone and reminds us however relational we are in this life process, we have to hold our personal integrity. Aries is the archetype that continually brings us back to self.

Personally, I like to see this as a wonderful opportunity, and chance to wipe the slate clean and make positive choices going forward. When I had my awakening, nearly 25 years ago, I was told we were going to be asked to choose between the shadow and the light. I soon learned that this wasn’t about an endgame, a single important choice, I began to see that this is all about the choices we make in our daily lives, the small but actually fairly significant choices. This keeps coming back to me.

As I look around and see the ever faster changes that appear in our society, I have to remind myself to look in every direction as it is easy to get caught up in the negative roads we take as a race. I know that in equal amounts we are making positive choices, but that these are easily dismissed and over looked.

While I don’t believe we can stop the vehicle that is taking humanity into an extremely dangerous place, I feel we can, as individuals, make individual choices that offer a parallel road, a road with different values and simpler ways of living on this earth. 

Watching Mother Earth display her simple vitality, her non-judgemental and free-spirited life force, inspires me to stop over complicating and remember what life is essentially for and I would invite you to do the same. Keeping our sanity in these challenging, hedonistic times calls for us to stay grounded, feet rooted firmly in the ground with our eyes, ears and hearts wide open. 

Let’s make this year a fully awake journey around the year. The more of us who make this choice, the more chance we have of hearing Mother Earth’s guidance through these tough, yet momentous times.

Tuesday 14 March 2023

The Big Surrender

And as the year draws to a close, once more, we breathe out one more time before we prepare for Mother Earth to turn again and bring in the new seasonal year.

This is my time, I have five planets in Pisces and obviously I feel very comfortable here. It is a time of letting go, when we are being asked to shed the skin of the old year and surrender ourselves into the great oceanic waters of all that is. Here we recognise that all is one and we are the drop in the ocean, apart and yet a part of it all. We can immerse ourselves in the watery womb that is our aura as we complete the journey of the 12 months of the year and the journey through our chakras. This is where our ego is invited to see its limitations and open up to greater sense of who we are. As we expand our sense of self beyond the limits of our physical body, the soul becomes the mother to our childlike state of being human. There is no judgement here, no idea of one being better or lesser, it is just the journey we have chosen to come into this human body and forget how we got here. The invitation is to arrive at this point, expand our awareness and bring in the greater story, the truth, to surrender ourselves to it and remember. Just as the mother surrenders everything for the baby, we are given this opportunity once more as we prepare to step into the birth of  the new year, and the birth of the baby on the lifetime journey.

In this way, as I look around at what is happening the world I sense this idea of rebirth all around. As the old ways are being shown up to be the out of date mode of living on this earth, the new energy is beginning to emerge. These green shoots are small and certainly not revolutionary, but personally, I believe that is a far better way to bring about change. Evolution has always been my preferred route as revolution is too aggressive and usually ends up with the same issues that it has replaced. Evolution however, takes time and offers a chance to allow the new ways to find their way without collapsing the old. There is a natural flow which enables people to grow into the ideas by choosing them rather than being forced or simply remaining resistant for fear of change.

This is the way Mother Earth brings us in. Each year she turns, each year she offers the same lesson, like a wise teacher that knows the student will find their way when they are ready. Each year, although the lessons are the same we can find new depths in the teaching if we follow her lead, for though they are the same in principle, with each year we spiral further out each time, raising our vibration with every turn, giving us the opportunity to raise our understanding and ability to sense in to what is truly happening around us and within us.

I have been intrigued by the news recently. Whether we find solace in the knowledge that the BBC has been prepared to recognise its bias and change its stance on suspending sports presenter Gary Lineker, the solidarity that grew out of this question of freedom of expression is, I believe, more important than we can imagine. The fact that this had become so one-sided is something that has needed addressing and I feel that finally, this has begun.

In same way, another story near to my heart, the protests in Israel at the moment, are shining a light on this. The move against the far right political stance taking hold is really important to me and I see the pull in each direction necessary as the shift in polarities are being shaken up. We need to find a state of balance before we can choose a better way.

We have been out of kilter for so long, for millennia, and this is our opportunity to step into a higher vantage point and rise out of the smallness, the lower perspective we find ourselves in. 

Listening to what Mother Earth has to offer this month has been a blessing for me and a way to find  how to navigate these increasingly choppy waters. I ask, what can we do to lift ourselves above the fear and resistance to change, that keeps us from moving forward. 

Change is a natural state of being and we are shown this by the I Ching (translates as the book of Changes) and Mother Earth’s journey around the year as being in a constant state of change. When we find ourselves stagnating in an inability to change we need to look around for inspiration. Nature is an obvious teacher and she offers all the love and nurturing qualities we could possibly need.

If we can embrace her wisdom and love ,whole-heartedly, and prepare ourselves for and surrender to the new year in this way, who knows what changes we might bring into our lives and the lives of those around us.


Monday 13 February 2023

Bird's Eye View

This time of year can be one of the most challenging. It is often the bleakest moment, when the winter has already seemed long and yet spring seems so far away. Celebrating Imbolc is something we have, as a society, forgotten, in the busy bustle of modern life. But in these difficult times it is possibly the one ritual we need most if we are going to find our way out the darkness and learn to overcome our fear of it. Rekindling the light that we found at the Winter Solstice is an imperative when the news is overflowing with tragic events of war and disasters, and we can only see chaos and corruption within our institutions and those seemingly in power.

As I said in my last blog, this archetype and the previous one, Capricorn, are concerned with our structures within our society, and if we wish for change, we have to be aware that the old ways of ruling aren’t going to change by themselves, it is up to us, the people, to find new ways of working. 

The problems start when we cling to the belief that the people with power are the few,  those seemingly 'in control’. We miss the idea that they only have the power because we have given ours away and handed it on a plate to them. The moment we realise that this power is within each of us and what power we have as a collective, is when things will start to change.

The Aquarius archetype teaches us that we are each a unique individual, but that we only can shine (this is held by the opposition, the Leo archetype) when we come together as the best versions of ourselves to form a collective that brings all the positives together. This beautiful air sign, the last of the three enables to discover the best way to do this. Having saved our soul in Capricorn as an individual, we now know how to sort out our own problems and this means we can find the best solutions as a collective, and this is represented by the world of science.

One of the Aquarius symbols is the perfect mirror showing how we have got this wrong. 

If we see the image of the bird flying over head as the individual remaining aloof and choosing to feel separate from the world below, then this relates to how we are taught to believe we live on the earth; disconnected but feeling superior, 

How are we to break this misconception?

For many years I felt this image conveyed the shadow aspect of this air sign, leaving us stuck in our heads. 
The world of science (another symbol of Aquarius) gives us the potential to problem solve our way out of our crises. To me however, this was also part of the problem, because science was born out of our disconnection to earth. I am not implying that science is bad, but like everything humans discover, in the wrong hands - those disconnected from their hearts - it becomes corrupted.  

The world of science discovered the telescope and in the 1780s man saw Uranus for the first time. This planet is now the ruler of Aquarius, it has a revolutionary energy, and was discovered in the time of the French and  American revolutions. It was also the time that electricity was discovered, setting our world alight. This unseen planet, now revealed, set us on a path of discovery. One of the most imperative things it is asking us to discover, is our awareness of our collective unconscious. This would enable us to find the bonds that connect us all,  

The bird that is found in this archetypal story, and in the Glastonbury Zodiac (on the Tor itself), is the phoenix who has to die in order to rise out of the ashes. If we are to make the changes most people would like to see in our world, change war into harmony, impoverished communities into ones enjoying health and well-being, we have to come down from the skies and discover that we are of this world and not on it. One thing science is teaching us is the delicate balance of nature and how we are disrupting it to our detriment as much as any other living being in this world.

Our sense of superiority will be our undoing. 

However, as ever, there are always more ways to see this. What filled me with fascination is how a view can be flipped on its head. It was explained to me, that the idea of the bird flying overhead isn’t only a negative thing. It can be positive if we choose to see it as the archetype that takes the role of the witness. Part of our journey is about understanding that we are stuck in our heads, in our egos, and this has taken us on a road filled with pain and trauma that has been passed down over the centuries, over millennia. 
If we are going to heal this hurt, which seems like an overwhelmingly huge challenge, we need to be able to step outside our sense of being just an individual, a limited human existence. This begins with learning how to be our own witness. Like a mother tends a child, we can tend and heal our own inner child by creating space around our sense of self. This gives room for our soul to enter the story and help us to grow into our true power. Once we have opened ourselves to this broader view, this bird’s eye view, we will begin to see how we are a community of beings and a collective so much greater than we think we are. 

I have faith that there will be a time when we stop giving away our power to the few and spread it evenly to all of the earthly beings who share this beautiful planet with us, 

Then we can choose a kinder way to live on this earth, a way of trusting, caring and loving our fellow humans, and all who inhabit this world. This is so much simpler that we believe, but until we take that higher path and are able to see a better way for ourselves we will continue live in the small version of our lives.

My friend, Chrissy Philp, the author of the book The Golden City, called this time, as we move into the age of Aquarius, the Cosmic Mind. I believe this encapsulates the times to come perfectly and beautifully. 


Tuesday 17 January 2023

The Hardest Journey

Another year draws to a close and as we embark on a new year, the challenges do not  seem to be abating. However, it is vital that we stay aware of our relationship to the world we live in and how tough our journey may seem. The archetypal wisdom we are invited to consider this month offers an interesting perspective.

Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, begins at the Winter Solstice when the sun is at its lowest point in the sky. 3 days later the sun appears to turn around and begin its journey northwards; the coming of the light. This is celebrated as the saviour’s birth, as a reflection of the coming of the light within us all, and we are invited to climb the mountain to save our own souls.

Spending time with such long winter nights, we are encouraged to view the night sky. We see the Pole Star, approximately the centre of our galaxy, as it holds its position in the sky, while the rest of the galaxy spins around it. We mirror this in our Third Eye chakra. At the centre of our brain sits our Pineal gland, that offers us a sense of stillness, while our busy minds spin around this point. 

If we are willing to stay with this stillness we can access our own inner wisdom and the wisdom of the universe. 

This is, of course, not easy. The journey to achieving this state of stillness, especially in these challenging times, is a hard one. However, we have Saturn as our teacher and guide. He encourages us to take each step one at a time, learn each lesson without rushing ahead before we are ready, and most important of all, finding joy in each moment, This is the art of saving our soul, making the journey the thing, not the goal of reaching the top of the mountain.

I have spoken of this every year as it comes around and although it feels like I’m simply repeating myself, I find that each year the same truth holds a deeper resonance, a new way to process and learn from this wisdom. It’s like when we take the same walk each morning, some might find it boring and repetitive, while others can see that each time it is different. The subtleties, the changing weather and flora and fauna, make each visit seem like new. This, to me, is all part of the joy, all part of understanding how life is so much more nuanced than we imagine, and how we relate to it can change with each rustle of the wind, and flow of the tide. 

I have come to realise how I have blustered my way through my life, complaining how I cannot feel the subtleties of the aliveness of nature or of the higher vibrations and yet here is the answer right in front of me.

Over the last 2 years, since Lockdown, I have been incredibly privileged to have been able to turn my focus online, joining summits and communities where the wisdom of Somatics has been brought to my awareness. Somatics is about connecting to our body wisdom, which emphasises internal physical perception and experience. For me, it was time to learn how to tread gently, develop a new relationship with myself, how to feel what was going on in my internal world and how to be still enough to start this beautiful journey.

Looking at the archetypal wisdom, Capricorn and Aquarius both deal with the structures that our build our community. I have always struggled with the institutions and social structures we have created in our modern society, and always believed that there must be a better way. I feel that part of my reasoning behind becoming a musician was in some sense a desire to ‘drop out’ from what I saw in the world. 

Now this sense is being brought to the fore as our institutions, whether it is the NHS, our schools, care homes, prisons, the list goes on, are all in crisis. Of course the main crisis is an ecological one, as climate crisis is at last being recognised.

As we are being asked to deal with this at the eleventh hour, my feeling is that we are too late to turn this around on a physical level. We simply don’t have the resources or the will anymore as the society we have created has lost its way to such extent, fear is leading us forward rather than any sense of wisdom.

The more I delve into this somatic world, the more I believe we can find hope by going within and finding a whole new way of moving forward. It involves a completely new language, new senses and a change in the way we experience and see the world. I have loved every moment of this new journey and it fills me with hope to know that more and more people are coming aboard and that so many are way ahead having been working this way for years, decades and of course millennia. 

Join us, it’s not always easy, but the best journeys are always worth it because they are challenging. When we climb the mountain, reaching for the best we can be, and finding fellow travellers on the same path, together we can move mountains, not just climb them.


Wednesday 14 December 2022

Seeking our Inner Truth

As the year speeds to an ever quickening end we find ourselves approaching winter and the festive season, I am as ever fascinated by the complexity and conflicting ideas of what is potentially best for us, individually and as a society, and what we choose. 

As you may have gathered, since I recognised this as a recourse available to all, I have been looking to Mother Earth for guidance. She knows best, as far as I’m concerned, she’s been successful in her travels for eons, we on the other hand are absolute beginners.

Having shifted from autumn to winter in one quick step, we have also shifted, metaphorically on our life time journey, from life to death. This was shown to us as we journey through Scorpio and Samhian, or Hallowe’en as we have come to know it. 

Mother Earth has shut herself down and is presently hibernating till spring. This time of nurturing and stillness is her invitation to us, as she holds up the mirror. Just as we sleep eight hours of the day, here we are also at our best if we slow our lives down for four months of the year. This rejuvenates us in readiness for the energy needed for spring.

Why do we resist this? As the hours of darkness increase it seems so does our fear. As our unresolved conflicts embed trauma into each generation in turn, we gain no understanding if what is going on inside for us. It becomes so painful, so hard to acknowledge we turn our backs on it all. The less we understand ourselves the more we lack any resources or ability to heal. The more pain we feel the less we can see what would serve us and the more reluctance we have to change and leave the destructive path we are on.

This month, we are invited to go within to find our truth. If we are willing, it takes us on a spiritual journey, if we have the eyes to see it and ears to hear it. However, while we remain blind and deaf to our inner wisdom our arrow shoots into the darkness and is lost.

The centaur that shoots his fiery arrow in his search for truth is the symbol of Sagittarius and its opposition, the sign that offers balance to the process, is Gemini. This sign of information and communication, stops us from going too ‘out there’ or becoming too ungrounded. In this information age we have entered, you’d think we would be in a perfect place to understand ourselves and what we need most in these challenging times. The paradox is, of course, that the more access we have to information, the more access we also have to misinformation. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, who is seen as the trickster.  Here he is at play and he is alive and kicking in our modern world.

In our off-centred world, our left brain way of thinking and living, we have lost the wisdom that lies in humour, metaphor and the holistic view of the world. These are all right brain attributes (it’s not so black and white as this, but for this purpose, I am keeping it simple, a left brain view!) and using this way of perceiving the world, has got us into the challenging situation we are in. Life isn’t black and white, right and wrong, good and bad. It’s far more complex and nuanced than that. Similarly, winter and it’s requirements to slow down and recharge isn’t bad, we have just learned to perceive it that way. 

The more we struggle against the suggestions Mother Earth offers for a better life, living here on her land, the more we look for solutions in places that have no connection to her or ourselves, the more out of kilter we will become.

As each year turns, we are being asked to come back into alignment, back into right relationship with our lives. We are asking how we can become more sustainable, but we seem to lack the humility ourselves, to ask those who have sustainability built into their culture. 

Those, who the modern societies have oppressed in order to create this insane, unsustainable lifestyle, are the very people who have the answers we need. The only way we are going to be able to fully seeing this, is either by stepping off our high horse and finding the humility to ask them for help, or if we are stopped in our tracks by unthinkable occurrences. 

The irony is that it is the fear of what we are walking, or maybe running towards, which is preventing us from acknowledging and seeing it. It’s the most dangerous blindspot humanity has ever ignored.

While I am willing to open my ears and eyes to the dangers ahead, I sense that the only answer is within. There is no science to save us anymore, only the transcendent nature of the human spirit. For me, this is the time to walk this path with every cell in my body willing to open to the truth it has to offer me.

The more people choose this path, the greater chance we have of opening up the possibilities of changing course and shifting to a world full of love and harmony, truth and grace.

photo Mark Brookes


Monday 14 November 2022

Breaking Down the Walls of Fear

This month I have enjoyed many interesting discussions with my peers around Hallowe’en and what it means to them and to myself. It has been fruitful, enabling me to ripen my ideas into opportunities for more healing.

This month we are being asked to find our courage, face our fears and step beyond them into our truth and our strength. Actually, there is never a time when this isn’t being asked of us, but this month is when the work is most  powerful and possible.

It is said, that there are eleven signs and then there is Scorpio. It holds the deepest and darkest energy and this is not meant to be seen as a negative, in fact the opposite, it is our chance to wake up and open the door to the greatest opportunity for all humanity. We have the key right here in our hands and it is truly up to us; do we take the red or the blue pill? It is the red pill which will transform our lives and it interests me that in our culture red is for danger and so feared in that sense. In Chinese culture it is lucky.  I think this speaks volumes.

We have put a wall between ourselves and our chance for transformation, turned everything that was once seen as beautiful, auspicious and liberating into something that is now beloved to be dangerous, frightening and even evil. 

The archetypal story we encounter in Scorpio, Persephone is taken into the Underworld, the domain of Pluto or Hades. Here she is transformed from the Virgo archetype of purity and innocence, to a mature woman in her full power. Here, black is symbolic of the yin, the balancing energy of yang, the full potential to create, and red is the blood, woman’s ability to create life, as a god herself. Neither of these colours are bad or to be scared of, they are powerful and beautiful as are all the other colours of the spectrum. We have just cast them out, put them behind a wall and labelled them as ‘bad’ and to be feared. We have, at the same time, put all things feminine there too

As with everything, we can choose to look at this story in two ways. We can see this as a journey into hell or a venture into the unseen world. In this way, we can grow, mature and become fully human, discover the yin and the yang, the masculine and the feminine. Here we come into balance.

- I am thankful that we are beginning to gain this way of seeing the world as we have discovered and become fascinated by the mycelia networks that are at play which is a wonderful analogy for the positive way of seeing this perspective of the underworld. -

However, this journey isn’t a walk in the park, we face obstacles and initiations, like the butterfly coming out of a cocoon. When we overcome these challenges, however, we graduate from child into adulthood.

Personally, I feel, the tragedy is, that when we, as a society, put up this wall between ourselves and this wider view, we create a limited understanding of ourselves and our truth. We dress the wall up with distracting symbols and make it a children’s festival, (forgetting that we have become spiritual children) with pumpkins and witch’s hats, fake blood and zombie make-up.

Interestingly, all these symbols are all relevant, but the true meanings have been removed. What was once revered and celebrated as being sacred and steeped in wisdom has been reduced to pageantry and superficial scare-mongering.

We used to honour the dead, our ancestors, recognise the power of connecting with them at this time, when the veil was considered to be thin. Now we only fear them and imagine they are returning to harm us rather than to bestow their love through us. 

There is so much more I could say, but believe I would only be stating the obvious.

If we took a moment to look at some of the indigenous cultures in our world, learn about their ways and their wisdom, we could turn our world around. We have turned this beautiful festival, Samhain, with all its darkness and mystery into one that insights ever more violence and fear into a society that has already lost its way.

I wish to invite us all to tear down the wall, face our greatest fears, in the knowledge that when we do it together, we heal together (in ways we are only just beginning to discover just how beautiful they are) and we become transformed.

If we take this step it will give us the opportunity to move forward into a world we can hardly imagine.

Sunday 16 October 2022

The Dance of Balance


This month is one of my favourite times of the year. I love the concept of how cycles of time are all reflected and I see that autumn is very much a mirror of dusk, another favourite of mine. After all the outward energy of summer, Mother Nature is now turning in once more, the colours are changing and she is at her most beautiful, in my opinion that is. The year is, symbolically, dying but it is beautiful and we are being asked to find love and beauty on our way as we journey with her. Now the days and nights are of equal length and balance, and the beauty of this idea, is at the heart of the wisdom she is passing on to us for this moment. 

This is the first time that we get to experience a month that has an astrological opposition. We can look to the beginning of the seasonal year, the Spring Equinox, which reflects the birth of our life. After six months in childhood we are now ready to step into adulthood, into our heart chakra, look at the mirror, the others in our life, and fall in love with our reflection. The understanding is that we are being asked to see the others in our life and realise that everyone is just a reflection of ourselves. 

Scientifically, we see this as the human egg cell divides and divides to create one whole being from that initial piece of information, we too are created as a human race in the same way. We may think we are separate from each other but actually we all a part of the same being, the body of the human race; all inherently and genetically connected.

By learning to love ourselves we can find empathy and harmony in our world by sending that love to everyone we bring into our lives. The more I travel on this healing journey, the more I am coming to understand that this is the most difficult thing to ask of anyone.

Life is calling us to come into balance, to find the common ground between us all. - 
 The elements are continually doing this as the atoms with the least or highest atomic numbers are constantly looking to chemically bond with others to get to the middle ground. - 

It is easy to think that, as a society, we are all pulling in the opposite direction from each other. This is, undoubtedly, causing friction. While we become more and more unbalanced, our ability to find ways to resolve this looks less and less likely.

That is the pessimistic view of course and I am the ultimate optimist. The darkest moment being just before the dawn, can never be over-stated and this, I trust, will be our hope and salvation.

It leaves us with interesting times ahead until we see it for what it is.

The story of the archetypes involved here are the Aries warrior or foot soldier, (Aries is ruled by Mars, the God of War) who is quick to react, leaping to action without thought and Librans are the rulers hoping to create a beautiful and just world (the scales of Justice symbolise Libra). When society becomes out of balance with itself, then the shadow aspect of the archetypes come into play. The Libran rulers and judges, become warlike, wanting to push their ideals on those who they believe are against them. They are the ones who send the Aries soldiers to fight their wars for them.

This is what we are seeing today. It is the mechanism of Social Media (which has the potential to be, and is often, amazing) when in the hands of those in power and in fear (and I believe this is the majority of people, not just the rulers, as we have not yet realised our power, but we have it nonetheless) that can wield a divide in society that drives the wedge harder and harder.

I do believe our world could actually be in a state of balance, it’s just very hard to see.

I do think that there are people who do terrible things in this world and people who achieve wonderful things too. But I don’t believe it’s as simple as this. We can all make amazing contributions as well as behave in ways that are not good to lesser or greater degrees. We also have lesser or greater degrees of trauma in our lives which can make us behave in a variety of ways. I struggle when I see people condemned before their circumstances are fully understood. We are very quick to take on the role of judge, too quick, in my mind. We all play our part in adding to the positive and negative vibrations in the world and I would like us to consider this before bringing down the judge's gavel on others.

I believe, at a core level, we all want the same thing, we just express it in different ways and if we took time to take a step towards each other and find our common ground we would understand the others in our world much better. If we took time to empathise with people’s stories and rationals, we could find properties that would help us chemically bond far more easily than if we just remain in our corners, coming out to fight when we felt angered.

There is so much work being created by people who really understand how to make change, how to discover the power we all hold as individuals that can shape a world, create that beautiful Libran ideal, into one that allows everyone to have their needs met (when we truly understand what that means). This is something I really want to investigate more fully and will bring whatever I learn here over time.

I am, of course, only touching the surface of what needs to be said on this subject, but I do believe a good deal of finding the balance we desire in the world begins with doing the inner work. Can we learn to understand ourselves and our needs better so that we know what to ask for and also know when we are stepping into love and when we are in fear? When we close down our ability to see the other and are unable to find room for their needs in the world, we are in danger of creating as much dis-harmony in the world as those we believe are in the wrong. Righteousness is a precarious platform to put ourselves on. In order to remain there we can become single-minded, uncompromising and obstinate and often lose the ability to hear another’s plight and understand the journey that brought them here, in this place of opposition to us.

Personally, I struggle with the concept of the Western modern culture always being in the right when we butt up against others we believe are wrong. This feels far too simplistic when I see our society as a having an Imperialist, colonialist, racist, patriarchal and consumerist heritage, a mindset woven through all our veins whatever we believe consciously. I feel we all need to keep revisiting these concepts on a regular basis, whenever we are confronted by others in the world we are so sure are wrong. I am not saying that they are right, but that we should look to ourselves before we judge.

Once again, I am asking for people to take a deep breath, look a little closer at everyone’s story, our history and why we are at this time of such division. I, personally, don’t believe this polarisation is real, I think that we are just being drawn into this combative way of interacting because of the stress and fear we have created in our way of living.

Do we have to wait for the bubble to burst and for us to lose everything, or are we going to ease the transition and start choosing a different approach to life? Once again, the archetype of Libra hands us the baton and tells us we are the magicians of our own life, the Generals that can choose to wage war, fight for peace, or choose a higher road and look for balance and harmony, starting with ourselves. Then we can begin putting that out into our lives with the people we encounter daily and then start pushing that out further and further beyond.